Corporate Profile
Management Philosophy
With our solid technology and unlimited efforts, provide a productive, convenient life through coin handing products to our users all over the world. Contribute to local communities, promote pro-environment behavior, and aim to become a company that is trusted and loved by our stakeholders.
Corporate Identity/Fundamental Policy
- With "Interaction through trust and technology" as a motto, serve customer needs and offer superior products and services.
- Accommodate customers' opinions and requests in regard to ecology and environmental conservation, and share the prosperity with every stakeholder including our customers and local communities.
- Have constant awareness that company's crucial assets are its human resources and become a company that employees can have a hope and pride.
Principles of Conduct
- Act based on common sense as a member of society.
- Respect coworkers and promote teamwork.
- Commit ourselves to constant self-improvement and pursve new challenges.
- Eliminate unreasonableness, waste, and inconsistency, and improve efficiency.
- Enforce the 5S (Seiri (Sort), Seiton (Set in order), Seiso (Shine), Seiketsu (Standardize), Shitsuke (Sustain)).
- Be faithful in the fulfilment of one’s promises